Teal HealthBot

What is Healthbot?

HealthBot is a Wellness Assistant designed to cater to the user’s needs based on their answers from the questionnaire. Your HealthBot is intended to assist your daily life, while also making sure your mental health is not forgotten in the chaos of everyday life. Your HealthBot has many options on how to best assist you in your daily life, also some optional alerts or log questions that can be added by the user. HealthBot is designed to help you keep an up to date log while also trying to minimize the time required to log this important information.

girl thinking

What is healthbot do?

Like previously stated your HealthBot is tailored towards you per your completed questionnaire taken before you select your HealthBot so it can better assist you. With this questionnaire you can check off certain topics that you struggle with, if you have any mental health diagnosis to note. You will also have the chance to enlighten your HealthBot on de stressing activities that help you calm down. As well as alerting your HealthBot of any stressors, examples could be something like a nightmare or a check-in on your battery level after a certain timed event such as school or work. Some basic information it will ask to collect and record on your daily log. This can be very helpful when trying to find patterns in your mental health.

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What is your daily “battery percentage”?

Your daily battery percentage is like your energy levels for the day. As we are well aware not everyday's the same therefore you start with a different amount every day.

    Things happen that can affect battery levels
  • like a nightmare
  • waking up to bad news
  • waking up with a headache
  • your quality of sleep was poor
  • you woke up late
  • or certain days could be worse do to a previous event that was traumatic to you or days that are just harder for you.
As your day goes on your battery level can go up or down depending on how your day goes. An example of it going up would be getting recognized for hard work. An example of it going down would be a particularly hard day at work or school. Or maybe someone said something that really drained you. Some days are harder to do things than others, looking back on a week can sometimes be easy to discount your weekly struggle and only see what you had not completed and ignore what you had faced throughout your week. With your daily logs having recorded your battery levels you can better assess what you can do to bring your battery level up or if you need to take time and realize that one day doesn't define your week, month, or you as a person. Here with HealthBot we aim to help you get a better understanding of your patterns and help you realize how to better accomplish your goals

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What is the questionnaire like?

The questionnaire is a very detailed and time consuming process but is necessary for accurate assistance of your HealthBot.

    This includes information like conditions such as
  • Depression
  • Anxiety
  • PTSD
  • Obsessive Complusive Disorder
  • Autism
  • Attention-Deficit Disorder(hyper)
  • Attention-Deficit Disorder(hypo)
  • etc.
These can branch out to more detailed branching questions on triggers, destressors, if any of these conditions make some tasks more difficult and if you would like assistance to stargaze, alert, or a log question to keep track of certain conditions. There can be reminders on things such as eating, drinking water, going to bed at a certain time etc. With the questionnaire and your honest answers your HealthBot will be able to try to assist you the best it can personalize for you. Without your answers your HealthBot will be left on default settings and will be at a disadvantage to better assist you.

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How does HelathBot Assist me?

As mentioned above HealthBots are very personalized, initially by your questionnaire and then after user experience you can give the HealthBot more duties to assist you. A great example would be if you were to take a new medication, you could add a question to your daily logs that accounts for that change in medication. With that you can give a more accurate explanation to your doctors on how your new medication is affecting your day to day life. You can have the HealthBot remember if you need a check-in on your mental health. An optional to do list dependant on your battery level and can be then remembered to remind you later or if you complete this task can be written and added to your log to remind you of what you have accomplished on that day. Your HealthBot is to better assist you as best as it can with the provided information given by you. A HealthBot however is not a replacement to therapy or medication, a HealthBots job is to assist in your wellness with your current services.

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What is healthbot do and why would I want one?

A HealthBot has many features pre-installed, as well as optional features that can be turned on per user request.A HealthBot can help assist you with alerts, keep a daily log, remind you in times of stress, your destressors, breathing exercises, goals to try to reach and reward you with metals when accomplishing your weekly goals. It can also help you understand how you can shape your weekly goals into more bite sized pieces to better achieve your goals and not overburden yourself. HealthBots goals are to assist and help you find patterns in your day to day life try to make connections and better understand yourself.