Team 1 Team 2

How many HealthBots are there?

HealthBot is a Wellness Assistant designed to cater to the user’s needs, it also has many models, 23 so far. With that many options the HealthBot Team is sure that you'll find a wonderful match! You can choose just one HealthBot or choose a small team of HealthBots to help cater with different types of needs. One HealthBot can remind you of self care while the other can remind you of time related activities that need to be done. Below is an example of a couple teams of

Team Medication
1 wheely Kind HealthBot Purple Queen HealthBot Large Pink HealthBot Green one Wheeled HealthBot Time Keeper HealthBot
2 pink chaos HealthBot Circus Act HealthBot Rolly Polly HealthBot Springy Lime HealthBot Ringling HealthBot
3 ballet HealthBot Gray Dancer HealthBot Lamp HealthBot Large Pink HealthBot Cotton Kandi HealthBot
Lamp HealthBot in interface

After you complete your quiz

After a quiz is completed it may take some time to properly load all the information needed to accurately

Lamp HealthBot in interface

Opening your app!

When the application is opened up your HealthBot will be waiting to assist you!

Red lad HealthBot Stressors

After Your questionnaire!

A HealthBot will create a list of the stressors in your life based on your answers.

Cicus act logging

Logging your start of the day!

As well as Youll be given a list of de-stressors as well! These will be great to have a list to help calm down in moments of panic.

Circus act asking

Starting your day with HealthBot?

To start your day with HealthBot you'll normally awake to an alert like this, this will then be logged within your daily logs.

Cicus act logging

Logging your start of the day!

After your battery level has been confirmed youll see your HealthBot alert you that it has been logged accordingly.

Ring Ling asking

Scheduling Check ins

Certain times of the day can trigger certain events and those events can drain our battery levels or raise them.

Ringling current battery quick replies

Quick Replies to Log

After your battery level has been confirmed youll see your HealthBot give you quick replies on what changed your battery levels.

Ringling asking if you want to explain further

Further explanation

Youll then be prompted to explain further if you want to record ot type out your explanation

Ringling giving an option to rec or type out

How you want to update your Log!

After confirming that you do indeed want to add an explanation to your logs you'll see the options on weather to type your explanation or record a voice clip.

Ringling updating your log

Your log has been updated

Then your log will be updated accomplishingly

Wheely Kind reminding meds

Medication Reminders

With HealthBot you can also set Medication reminders! You can give the medication names, or what they are for ,can set as many reminders as needed.

Wheely Kind logging

Logging Medication

After you have taken your medications you can then if you are ever unsure if you have taken them or not look back on your daily logs!

Breathing in with UFO

Breathing Exercise

With HealthBot you can do some breathing exercises breathing in with the light retracting back into the UFO

Breathing out with UFO

Breathing Exercise

Then breathing out with the glow of the UFO!

Ballet HealthBot Rewards page


After reaching certain goals you can gain cute rewards to accessorize your HealthBots! These can be taking your meds everyday or brushing your teeth everyday. What ever goals you have and you follow through with youll be rewarded with some simple rewards.

Being reminded to drink water

Reminder Examples

You can have a hydration reminder

Being reminded to perform self care

Reminder Example 2

A self care reminder will help you remember
when to take a break.

Being reminded to eat

Reminder Example 3

Being reminded that you want to eat healthy is another great reminder.

Being reminded of the weather

Reminder Example 4

You can have a weather reminder to dress accordingly with the changing seasons

Being reminded to take a breather

Reminder Example 5

A breathing exercise reminder may be prompted if your stress levels are very high

Being reminded to pursue your hobbies

Reminder Example 6

Being reminded of a hobby you want to do can also be a reminder.

Red HealthBots Couple

How did Healthbot come to life?

It came to me when I wanted to help my friends with their daily struggles, I started to over extend more than what I could comfortably handle. However I still wanted to help and felt awful when I felt like I was not paying attention to my friends. In my own life I often forget my basic needs such as brushing my hair, forgetting to eat etc. It's not something a lot of people like to admit but I know I am not the only one who forgets. It's not a nice feeling to forget or feel too exhausted to think about taking care of yourself. I also have had bad days, but didn't want to over share to others, and sometimes I just want my thoughts recorded without having to ask anyone else for assistance. Having a quick alert system in place can help lessen the feel of your problems, check in after certain times in the day ,having a daily log that can help you and your doctor know if your new medication is working, or how you feel from day to day having a log may help relieve some people from the pressure of day to day life. I also thought it would be a nice tool to have a questionnaire that could help you understand patterns, stressors, destressors, things that may have been forgotten in the shuffle of day to day life.

I did not only think of myself, but also thought of my friends with their daily troubles, feeling too busy to take a moment to actually check in on your well being. It can become too much. So Health bot was my solution to be there for my friends in need without having them feel like they are over sharing or being a burden. It can just get it out to an unbiased 3rd party that can record it in a daily log which could be beneficial if you are going to therapy or trying a new medication.

As I thought of what it could do, I wanted to improve the medical assistant programs ability to assist the user in daily life. Finding out their de-stressors, giving them an optional to do list depending on their day, and if they have the “battery level” to do an object within that optional to-do list or if they wish to be reminded of it the next day so it isn't forgotten.

HealthBot is an app that I have been trying to create on and off for a year and decided to make this weeks project a mock up for my to be app to help with others mental health as best as it can. It cannot be a replacement for therapy or medication but I am hoping that it will help ease the burden of what is weighing someone down. Help them when they are stressed by giving them the pre-provided destressors given by the user in the questionnaire. It can also record days, either by text or recording. It could also be as simple as answering a few pop up notifications for the application to look back on and see how your week was. Of course the more information that can be given the better I hope the healthbot can assist many people once I actually complete it.

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