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About Us

But first personal message from our HeadHunter Hacker.

Why choose us?

Clearly you've come seeking the best of the best,our services are personalized to your plans,
our Hackers are trained and have specific services that are all unique, they are people with their own flare.
We have experience, our hacker team is small and have a commited work ethic, no back outs, no turning back...
unless you are you are fine with paying a fee for your making our hackers abandon their missions
for your change of heart.

We are professionals, we do not need people who cannot follow our rules. We do not target policitians, celeberites, or anyone
who is in the spot light. That is for our hackers safety and to avoid falling into the spot light our selves. We do not tolerate trolls
think twice before trying to prove your intelligence, or superior nature as we will make a specical of your failure.

That being said why should you choose our services?
  • Only the best hackers are here

  • Personalizing your plans for revenage based on your guidelines

  • Wide varity of services from our hacker team

~The HeadHunter Hacker~

Meet Our Elite Team of Hackers


"Oops! Must have been from a sketchy website you visited"

$p@mB0T Icon Image

Why Hire $p@mB0T?

You've come here here for justice, or chaotic mockery, or just cause you wanna spice up your classroom or meeting room?
I really dont care, your reasons, back story, sob story, or whatever you have done to lead you to our team however if you
are looking for a chaotic way to get justice you should choose me!

Your targets misery will be swift and quite a show! My services can implement whatever spam you wish as a spam expert this can be
anything from constant rick rolling, intimate images, jump scares, audio interruptions, pop ups re-directing them to a personal insult
created for the drama of it all!

Your target will be my personal puppet of the show I will personalize to your hearts or what ever you call it wishes. Of course this is my
stage so expect nothing but the finest show! Well the finest show within your budget ;P
    $p@mB0T's Services

  1. Level One Spam;
    Slows down the targets computer when it is booted up, some intimate images pop up every couple days,nothing to cause alarm and cheap
    people would probably try their best to ignore it.

  2. Level Two Spam;
    Slows down the targets computer when it is booted up and running to a more noticable degree,some intimate images pop up every day at
    a random time, could pop up at an important business meeting, or classroom who knows? Thats the fun part if you're part of the crowd of onlookers.

  3. Level Three Spam;
    Targeted Attack! Some people you just really want to get back but not in a so crimminal way but in a more ... entertaining way in level
    three, the spam can be sleeping undetected within the targets computer, with your orders the attack will happen! Grab some popcorn, sit
    down and watch the panic as the special package of spam unleashes its chaotic justice. ;3 This however comes with a high price tag


"Sorry Honey, your computer is under MY lock and key"

Cosmic_lock&key Icon Image

Why Hire Cosmic_lock&key?

You've come here here for encryption? To encrypt others hardware undetected? Or even want to encrypt some personal data? Then I am your hacker!
My skills for hacking into anyones computer and locking them out of incriminating information or evidence cannot be matched
I can even provide you with the key to reveal the files. Villian or Vigilante who is taking justice into their own hands by only hiring the best
I'm your hacker, I do listen to the reasoning and any information you wish to share though my loyalty is limited to our assignment is completed.
Please be aware that someone can hire me to do the same to you or undo the assignment as the new assignment is my prioity, I am the best so I know that
be heart breaking but unfortately my bank account balance is made possible by my skillset and I am fully dedicated to my CURRENT assignment.

My skills can encrypt your computer, your targets computer without any one being the wiser. I can provide any key to open the information for you.
I am a professional, and our assignment will be carried out with swiftness and can have some fun after shocks! Vigilantes can have some assist
on some evidence they know is on a computer to ensure the most powerful cant wiggle their way out of it! Of course if you need me to try to hide
some evidence once you are afraid of the people coming too close to catching you I can also assist there as well.

I only take one assignment at a time so while my loyalty is only assignment thin if a sting needs to be done have no fear that I will not be working for
both sides at the same time. So if you need to convict or save your skin better hire me before someone else does.

    Cosmic_lock&key's Services

  1. Level One Encryption;
    I encrypt the targeted computer, provide keys

  2. Level Two Encryption;
    I encrypt the targeted computer, provide keys, this will be for more powerful targets,
    the assignment will be completed but it will need more care and time.

  3. Level Three Encryption;
    Targeted Attack! You want to have someone to be captured for their misdeeds?
    Know when their going to be investigated, their arrogance will be their undoing as I will wait until the
    assigned and agreed time to release their misdeeds. This however can also be used for a particular checkin you are fearful of.

The Librarian

"Who else but a Librarian but to find the information your looking for?"

Librarian Icon Image

Why Hire The Librarian?

Someone is using something to black mail you? Or do you need blackmail on another? Or maybe want to just check on
some target to ensure they are telling the truth? Not everyone is as truthful as they say, and who better to turn to
in this case than a Librarian? If you indeed need something hard to find after you've tried for hours you know you need
to ask for some assistance from your local Librarian.

Your targets file can be hidden very well, especially someone with only malicious intent towards you.
No worries because once hired I'll be in and out in no time to provide you with the requested information you need.
Sit back and relax quietly while I do my job, and no they wont know where the file dissappeared to but you will.

Your targets "blackmailing" actions can fire back in their faces when they no have nothing to keep you their helpless lacky
I find that watching their faces go pale as they realize they have nothing is quite enjoyable, with my services you'll be able
to see that first hand.
    The Librarian's Services

  1. Level One Data Collection;
    Simple in and out job, I come with your requested information without them knowing I was even there.

  2. Level Two Data Collection;
    A job with more than one requested information needed to be extracted, and
    a confirmation that that is indeed all they have on you.

  3. Level Three Data Collection; Reversed Attack!
    Sometimes simple taking back what is yours isnt enough, sometimes more is needed
    sometimes people need to understand their actions have consequences, I will not only gain the requested information, confirm the end of
    reign of terror and blackmail but also give you their dark secrets as well. With this you can get all the revenage you want.


"Who am I? I am who ever you hire me to be"

Masked_Null Icon Image

Why Hire Masked_Null?

My services aren't for the faint of heart, I am who ever you want me to be, my services are a bit more expensive due to my
attention to detail, and my commitment to my disguise. I study the intended target for 1 week-4 weeks with the provided information
you provide me to play my character! I am quite the actor, if you need some one to hide under the cloak of your target to
furfill your dark wishes, wheater it be trying to wreck a relationship to win a girl, get someone fired, or ruining their social
status from top to bottom, I am your target and the hacker you want to hire

I will study their texting habits, their posting habits, social circles, work closely with you to make your target fall with you being the director
With my skill set you can watch and dictate how you wish them to have their life changed forever. Whatever your motives are I have little care
but all the information you can provide me on your target will help me furfill your production and may help with your budget of this project of yours

Your target will be the star of the show as they throw away their life, crush love ones, say hurtful things, or merely quit a job in a dramatic and
unforgivable way that they wont have the audience to try to dispell our little show. Dear director I am the one who can do the dirty work while
being the target furfilling your vision.
    Masked_Null's Services

  1. Level One Production;
    With plenty of information provided to assist myself getting into character, 1 week of my own dedicated study on my role,
    You and I will perform a production limited to 3 days of showtime.

  2. Level Two Production;
    With information provided to assist myself getting into character, 2-3 week of my own dedicated study on my role
    (depending on the provided information from my director),You and I will perform a production limited to 5 days of showtime.

  3. Level Three Production;
    Full HollyWood Production! With information provided to assist myself getting into character,
    3-4 week of my own dedicated study on my role(depending on the provided information from my director),
    You and I will perform a production limited to 2 whole weeks of showtime. This show will be for the more commited directors


"Curiousity hasnt killed this cat, let me help your curiousity needs"

Info_hackpurr Icon Image

Why Hire Info_hackpurr?

Paranoid? Or not trusting a new love interest and want to ensure that they arent secretly going to get you your own true crime show
I can assist with your problem. This can also extend to someone you are just unsure about and want to know what makes them tick.
If you are looking for someone to get information you've found your hacker.

My skills on information collection to put your mind at ease or confirm your concerns can be very through and even extend to how they
treat their family, friends, or how they treat random people. I can retreive their internet history so you know what they have been
googleing, or where their time is wasted the most on the web.

Some people think they can keep some secrets behind a screen, I can prove them wrong.
    Info_hackpurr's Services

  1. Level One Information Gathering;
    Simple background check with some minor looking into their habits, social life but nothing too
    time consuming

  2. Level Two Information Gathering;
    More dedicated and detailed information gathering period, internet history,some chat logs, any concerning
    habits, or past actions they have commited.

  3. Level Three Information Gathering;
    Dedicated and organized list of their likes, dislikes,habits,social habits,close friends, family members,
    internet history, and any other reuested information gathering.


"Time has come to make someone pay dearly"

The_Executor Icon Image

Why Hire The_Executor?

If someone has wronged you and you want revenage on someone I am your hacker, I am a dedicated master of getting even
I can brick their device, I can leak their personal information, I am not cheap, do not waste my time.
    The_Executor's Services

  1. Due to my personalized attacks every assignment will be specialized in revenage, and has to have you to contact me for details
    based on your problems.


"Sometimes a simple Glitch can be a way to get even and deliver a message"

Glitch Icon Image

Why Hire Glitch?

You want glitches I am your hacker, I do not care for this selling of myself, I do my work well and therefore if you think you
need a targeted glitch attack you contact me.
    Glitch's Services

  1. Due to my personalized attacks every assignment will be specialized in revenage, and has to have you to contact me for details
    based on your problems.